This is a continuation of The Dozen Eggs story. It was told at a time when Mika was particularly impatient and said no to everything.
The story goes…
Inside the fridge, there were 2 extra eggs: The 13th and the 14th egg.
They had heard of the story of the dozen eggs before and so both of them were extra excited to be used.
The 13th egg started to say
“I’m going to be a pandesal!
Or maybe a merengue!
Or should I be a scambled egg?
Or a soft boiled one?
Or maybe carbonara sauce!
I cannot choose!
I’m so egg-cited!
I cannot wait!”
The 13th egg jumped up and down in its container over and over again.
Then the fridge door was finally opened.
As soon as it opened, it jumped out of the fridge…
And SPLAT it went on the floor.
The 13th egg just laid there. Until it was cleaned up and thrown in the trash.
It did not become a pandesal, merengue.
Nor a scrambled or a soft boiled egg.
It did not become carbonara or hollandaise.
Because it was too impatient and could not wait.
Now as for the 14th egg, it remained in the fridge.
It was also excited, and it had already decided it was going to be…
the creamy hollandaise sauce to be served with salmon and roasted potatoes.
For it wanted to be creamy and the most delicious kind of egg.
When the fridge door opened, the 14th egg was taken.
It saw a pot of boiling water, and instantly it knew it was going
to be a soft or hard-boiled egg.
So the 14th egg then said NO!
“I don’t want to be a boiled egg!”
So the person put him back in the fridge.
The following day, the 14th egg was taken again to be cooked.
It saw some flour, milk, and vanilla extract.
It knew it was going to be a pancake or a waffle!
The 14th egg then said NO!
“I don’t want to be a pancake or waffle”.
So the person put him back on the fridge.
The next day, the 14th egg was taken again.
This time there was some cheese and mushrooms already in a bowl.
It instantly knew it was going to be an omelette!
So again it said NO!
And the person put it back in the fridge.
For the rest of that week, and all the other weeks it just kept saying NO.
Until one day, it was taken and it saw hot butter in a pot.
There were potatoes roasting in the oven.
There was a salmon being fried.
This was it! It was going to be hollandaise sauce!
The person cracked the egg open over a bowl…
But then the moment the shell opened, there was a very stinky smell.
Because the 14th egg stayed too long in the fridge, it had become rotten.
It was no longer good for cooking. It could not become hollandaise sauce,
for it would ruin all the other ingredients.
The egg had become spoiled because it kept saying NO.
It thought about what it wanted to do, without thinking of others.
And because the egg was already rotten, the person threw it in the garbage.
The end.
Note: Mika doesn’t like this story very much. I only told it to her once and she never asked it again. Still I found it funny while telling it. Nowadays though she is afraid of becoming a spoiled or rotten child. I think this story made an impact.